Welcome to the University church of Christ!

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University Church of Christ is a body of Christians that meet throughout the week for worship and fellowship. Our goal is to follow God, and support and love each other while doing it. Our purpose is to honor Christ.  We are nondenominational and have no central headquarters or president.  The head of the church is none other than Jesus Christ himself (Ephesians 1:22-23).  Each congregation is autonomous, and it is the Word of God that unites us in one faith (Ephesians 4:3-6).  We follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, his apostles and the other inspired writers of the New Testament, not the uninspired teachings of men.  We are Christians only with no denominational affiliation.

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It is an exciting time to be a kid at University! We believe in teaching children about God's Word in fun, meaningful, memorable ways. We love seeing the children laugh & smile. So teaching them about God and helping them have fun are some of our biggest goals.

Welcome to University Youth Ministry (UYM)! We are a group of pre-teens and teens that strive to show Jesus throughout all of our lives. We are not perfect, but we live in the blessing of God's glorious grace. Our goal is to let Jesus flow through our hearts, minds, bodies and souls. Please, come and be a part of our imperfect group trying to serve a perfect Savior.