Where are you located?

5651 Zeigler blvd Mobile, AL 36608

What time is service?

Currently, we offer a sunday morning worship service, both in-person and online, at 10:00am. We also have a Digital Bible Study that can be found on our youtube channel on Sunday evenings at 5:00pm. Due to COVID-19, we do not have any in-person bible classes.

COVID-19 Guidelines?

We ask that everyone wear a mask at all times, while inside our building. We also ask that everyone please maintain a 6ft distance from those not in your household. We ask that you please refrain from hugging and shaking hands.

What is service like?

Our services look a little different right now, due to COVID-19. We have every other pew taped off and ask that there are no more than 6 people per pew, unless they are from the same household.

Our singing is A Capella, meaning without instruments. We will have prayers, scripture reading, and a message from God’s Word. Each Sunday we partake in the Lord’s Supper, remembering the sacrifice God made for our sins on the cross.

What do i wear?

You will find that most of our members dress business casual. We will have some in a suit and tie and others in khakis and a polo.

What about my kids?